
 Our Purpose

Our food pantry opened in response to Matthew 25:35-40.  God calls us to help those in need. By loving others we also express our love for God.  Many are in financial crisis right now, and by supplying something as simple as food, more money can be saved for bills, more time can be spent looking for a job and more peace can be provided.

How It Works

Shepherd’s Heart is open on the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month 5:30 pm-7:00 pm. We are run by volunteers and self-funded through donations.  We have partnered with The Kansas Food Bank as an economic way to purchase bulk food items that we can distribute to each family that comes to our distribution. Our hope is to be able to provide a week's worth of food for each family. 

How Can You Help?

·         Donate Food/Items

Purchase non-perishable food items from our Grocery List, which a copy can be picked up at our Welcome Center. You can also go to organizations and ask for donations of hygiene products such as toothpaste, shampoo, soap, etc. Please place all donated items in the Little Red Wagon located in the south lobby outside the food pantry door. 

·         Donate Money

You can donate cash or check in an offering envelope or you can give here on our website. and mark it Food Pantry. All donations go towards purchasing food for those in need and operating expenses of the food pantry.  All donations are tax deductible.

·         Donate Time

Want to help? We can always use help in the following areas:

Distribute food on the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month 

Pick up food orders at the Kansas Food Bank

Unload Food Bank orders at the church

Stock and organize food pantry.

 To Those In Need:

If you are going through a tough time and would benefit from use of our food pantry, please stop by between 5:30 pm and 7:00 pm on the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month. No proof of residence, ID, or other documentation is required.